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Sponsor a Child at the Orphanage in Kampala!

See page one of the Sponsor children pages for more information on Sponsorship. Hit the button below and contact us and change the life of a child in Kampala, Uganda! Begin the exciting journey today!

Ernest Manga is 7 years old. He loves to play. He is seeking a sponsor who will help me prepare for a good life. Will that be you?

Annet Nabaggala is 7 years old. She is seeking a sponsor, as she likes school. She is hoping that you will help keep her smile on her face! Will you sponsor her?

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Christian Ssenyondo is 8 years old. He really would like someone to sponsor him so he can go to school. Please help change his life for the better. Will you sponsor him?

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Sandra Nakato is 10 years old. She likes being with friends and wants her sponsor soon for school and the things she uses every day. Is that you?

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Catherine Nakiggwe loves being with friends. She wants to go to school and a sponsor will help her do this. Be her sponsor today!

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Shatra Nabukeya is 11 years old. She loves to smile and laugh with her friends. Will you sponsor her and help her do this every day? 

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Nathan Mukasa is 11 years old. Besides hanging out with his friends and playing, he is wanting to learn more in school. By sponsoring Nathan, you will help with his education and daily needs. Will that be you?

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Salim Matova is 12 years old. Like the others, Salim likes being with friends. Will you sponsor Salim and help him with school and his needs every day? You can even get him some fun things to play with.

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Zainah Nassamula is 13 years old. Like many young teenagers, she is trying to figure out what she wants to do. She loves hanging out with friends. Will you be her sponsor?

"Pure and Undefiled religion before God and the Father is this: to visit orphans and widows in their trouble" James 1:27a 
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